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Ancient Wisdom, Modern Living: Incorporating Vastu Shastra in Your Home Design

Vastu for Home—Building A House With Ancient Wisdom

The ancient Indian science of architecture, Vastu Shastra, is revered for its ability to guide the construction of homes in a manner that promotes success and well-being for occupants. In this article, we delve into the basics of Vastu for home and how you can align your dwelling with its principles.

What Is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra, derived from Sanskrit where “Vastu” means a shelter or house and “Shastra” means science or teaching, is a comprehensive system of architectural principles. It offers insights into how the laws of nature influence human dwellings and aims to optimize the living environment for its inhabitants. The core principles of Vastu Shastra revolve around five fundamental aspects:

  1. Diknirnaya or Site Orientation: Determining the ideal orientation of the building site.
  2. Vastu Purusha Mandala or Site Planning: Planning the layout of the building site.
  3. Maana or Proportions of the House: Ensuring proportionate dimensions of the house.
  4. Aayadi or Dimensions of the House: Determining the dimensions of various components of the house.
  5. Chanda or Aesthetics of the House: Incorporating aesthetic elements into the design.

While Vastu Shastra originated in India, its principles can be applied globally to create harmonious living spaces.

How To Align Your Home With Vastu Shastra Principles?

Aligning your home with Vastu Shastra involves incorporating specific design elements and spatial arrangements. Here are some key tips to consider:

  1. Ventilation and Atrium: Ensure proper ventilation and circulation of air by incorporating an atrium or central opening in the building.
  2. Corner Openings: Avoid large openings at the corners of the building to maintain structural integrity.
  3. Bedroom Placement: Construct bedrooms on solid, non-hanging parts of the building for stability.
  4. Connectivity to Ground: Ensure the building is well connected to the ground for stability and strength.
  5. Kitchen Placement: Position the kitchen in the south-east direction, associated with the element of fire.
  6. Main Entrance: Orient the main entrance towards the north, east, or north-east for the entry of positive energy.
  7. Direction of Gods: Design the mandir or worship area so that deities face east, symbolizing auspiciousness.

Benefits Of Vastu Shastra For House

Adhering to Vastu Shastra principles when building a home offers numerous benefits:

  1. Structural Integrity: Vastu-compliant homes are structurally sound and resilient to harsh climates and seismic activity.
  2. Natural Light and Ventilation: Proper orientation and layout promote abundant natural light and ventilation.
  3. Health and Well-being: Harmonizing living conditions with nature fosters good health and overall well-being.
  4. Spiritual Upliftment: Vastu-compliant homes are believed to enhance spiritual energies, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility.

Building A Vastu-compliant Home

To construct a Vastu-compliant home, it is essential to start with a strong foundation. Consultation with a Vastu Shastra expert or architect can guide the planning and design process effectively. Additionally, using superior quality cement, such as JK Cement’s range of grey cement, ensures durability and longevity for your home.


  1. What is Vastu for home, and what does it entail? Vastu for home encompasses the science of architecture aimed at creating harmonious living spaces in alignment with natural forces. It involves principles and guidelines for optimal design and construction of residential dwellings.
  2. What are the key benefits of following Vastu guidelines in a home? Following Vastu guidelines enhances the structural integrity, promotes well-being, facilitates natural light and ventilation, and fosters spiritual energies within the home.
  3. Can Vastu principles be adapted to modern home designs and architectural styles? Yes, Vastu principles can be adapted to modern home designs as they are based on logical and practical considerations. The principles can be applied flexibly to accommodate various architectural styles while maintaining their efficacy.
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