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Clocks of Fortune: Enhancing Prosperity with Vastu-Compliant Timepieces

In bygone eras, a solemn ambiance was often accompanied by the rhythmic ticking of a wall clock with a pendulum. However, as decor styles have evolved, so have clocks. Today, clocks not only serve the function of telling time but also double as works of art, available in various sizes, colors, shapes, and materials to suit every taste.

The placement of these timepieces raises questions about their alignment with Vastu Shastra principles. Which direction is ideal for a wall clock? What guidelines does Vastu Shastra provide for their placement? Let’s delve into the intricacies.

The Ideal Directions

According to Vastu Shastra, positioning a clock in your home in alignment with its guidelines can facilitate the flow of peace, positivity, and prosperity. Preferable directions for wall clocks are east, west, and north, with the southern direction being less favorable. While the west is considered acceptable, it’s advisable only if placing the clock in the east or north is unfeasible.

Maximizing Prosperity

In determining the placement of wall clocks for optimal results, consider the associations between directions and deities in Vastu Shastra. The north, associated with the god of wealth, Kubera, is conducive to prosperity. Similarly, the east, governed by Indra, signifies auspiciousness. The west, under the domain of Varun, the god of rains, symbolizes stability. Conversely, the south, ruled by Yama, the god of death, is best avoided.

Clocks in the Bedroom

When it comes to bedroom Vastu, placing a clock in the east or north is recommended. If your head faces south while sleeping, positioning the clock in the northern direction is advisable. It’s prudent to keep the clock away from the bed, ideally in the east or north, to promote a restful environment. To attract prosperity, place the clock in the northern section of the bedroom.

Maintenance and Appearance

Ensure that all wall clocks in your home are functional and well-maintained. Keep the glass clean and free of cracks, and regularly replace batteries to keep them running smoothly. Correct timekeeping is essential, with clocks ideally set a few minutes ahead but never behind. Any malfunctioning clocks should be promptly repaired or replaced.

Shape, Color, and Design

In adherence to Vastu principles, opt for round-shaped wall clocks, avoiding pendulum clocks in the bedroom. Choose colors like grey, white, or metallic for clocks in the northern direction, and prioritize pleasant chiming sounds for chime clocks. Wooden clocks add a touch of exclusivity and charm to your space.

Placement Considerations

Avoid placing clocks above entrances, near electrical outlets, or adjacent to pictures of deceased relatives. Ensure that the bed is not reflected in the clock’s glass, and steer clear of clocks featuring violent or negative imagery. Remove any clocks depicting scenes of strife or hardship, as they are believed to attract negative energy.

Symbolism and Significance

Throughout history, clocks have held significant cultural and superstitious symbolism. From marking the passage of time to beliefs about broken clocks and their associations with death, the significance attributed to timepieces is profound. Even today, gifting clocks is considered inauspicious in some cultures.

In Shorts

The placement of wall clocks according to Vastu Shastra principles can significantly influence the energy within your home. By adhering to these guidelines and selecting appropriate designs, colors, and placements for your clocks, you can invite positive vibrations and foster peace, joy, and prosperity in your living space. So why not consider adding a round wooden clock to your decor for an extra touch of harmony?

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